Image Statistics

Node Icon

Computes statistics over multiple Images and optional ROIs (supplied as Masks).



Input Image(s).

Type: Image, List, Required, Multiple


Input Mask(s).

Type: Mask, List, Optional, Multiple




Type: Table, List


Descriptive Statistics

Mean Boolean

Calculate the mean of voxel values of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Standard Deviation Boolean

Calculate the standard deviation of voxel values of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Skewness Boolean

Calculate the skewness of voxel values of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Kurtosis Boolean

Calculate the kurtosis of voxel values of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Min Boolean

Calculate the minimum voxel value in the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Max Boolean

Calculate the maximum voxel value in the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Median Boolean

Calculate the median of voxel values of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Volume [cc]Boolean

Calculate the volume of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Number Of Voxels Boolean

Calculate the number of voxels in the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.

Percentiles Numbers

Calculate the percentiles defined as [prc_1, prc_2, ..., prc_n] of the image, or region of the image defined by the mask.


Output Name Text

The name of the output table.

Merge Tables Boolean

If output produces a list, merge the list into one table.

Get Statistics

By Column (i) Boolean

Split ROI over i-dimension.

By Row (j) Boolean

Split ROI over j-dimension.

By Slice (k) Boolean

Split ROI over k-dimension.

By Channel Integers

Create a split over a selected channel.

See also
