Closing by Reconstruction

Node Icon

This node removes holes in foreground components that will not completely fit the structuring element. Contrary to morphological closing, closing by reconstruction preserves the external shape of the foreground components. It is defined as:

Closing(f) = ReconstructionByErosion(Dilation(f)).

For image inputs, closing by reconstruction not only preserves structures preserved by the dilation, but also raises the contrast of the darkest regions. If Preserve Intensities is on, a subsequent reconstruction by dilation using a marker image that is the original image for all unaffected pixels.



Input image(s) or mask(s).

Type: Image, Mask, List, Required, Single



Output image(s) or mask(s).

Type: Image, Mask, List


Kernel Selection

Shape of the structuring element.

Values: Annulus, Ball, Box, Cross

Kernel Radius [px] 3D Vector

Set the kernel radius in voxels, specified as [i, j, k].

Connectivity Selection

Set whether the connected components are defined strictly by face connectivity or by face+edge+vertex (full) connectivity.

Values: Face Connectivity, Full Connectivity

Preserve Intensities Boolean

Set whether the original intensities of the image retained for those pixels unaffected by the opening by reconstruction. If Flase, the output pixel contrast will be reduced. This is only applicable to image inputs.

See also
