Geometric Shape

Node Icon

Create an ellipsoid or cuboid shaped mask at a specified position in the reference image.



Supply a reference image or mask. The output will have the same position, orientation, voxel size and shape as the reference.

Type: Image, Mask, Required, Single



Output mask

Type: Mask



Shape Selection

The geometric shape of the mask.

Values: Cuboid, Ellipsoid

Size [mm] 3D Vector

The size of the cuboid in the [i, j, k] dimensions, in units of mm.

Size [px] 3D Vector

The size of the cuboid in the [i, j, k] dimensions, in units of voxels.

Radii [mm] 3D Vector

The radii of the ellipsoid in the [i, j, k] dimensions, in units of mm.

Radii [px] 3D Vector

The radii of the ellipsoid in the [i, j, k] dimensions, in units of voxels.

Define Extent in Selection

Select the spatial unit as mm or voxels.

Values: mm, Voxels


Center Definition Selection

Select how to define the center of the mask.

Values: Center Offset, Center Position, Center Index

Center Offset [px] 3D Vector

Define the center of the geometric shape as an offset from the center of the mask, in pixel units.

Center Offset [mm] 3D Vector

Define the center of the geometric shape as an offset from the center of the mask, in millimeters.

Define Offset in Selection

Select the offset unit as mm or voxels.

Values: mm, Voxels

Center Position [mm] 3D Vector

Define the center of the geometric shape with a specific position in space, in [mm].

Center Index [px] 3D Vector

Define the center of the geometric shape with a specific array index in pixel units.

See also
