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The morphological closing of an image is a two-step process that combines dilation and erosion. The closing operation is used to fill small holes in bright regions in an image while preserving the overall shape of the objects in the image.

Dilation: In the first step, dilation is applied to the image to increase the size of bright regions. The dilation operation is performed using a structuring element, which is a small neighborhood of pixels that is moved over the image. The value of the output pixel is set to the maximum value of the corresponding pixels in the neighborhood defined by the structuring element.

Erosion: In the second step, erosion is applied to the image to restore the original shape of the objects that were expanded by the dilation step. The erosion operation is performed using the same structuring element as in the dilation step. The value of the output pixel is set to the minimum value of the corresponding pixels in the neighborhood defined by the structuring element.

The morphological closing of an image is used in various image processing tasks, such as object extraction, noise removal, and shape analysis. The closing operation can be seen as a type of high-pass filter, as it removes small, low-intensity (dark) details in the image while preserving the large-scale structure of the objects.



Input image(s).

Type: Image, List, Required, Single



Output image(s).

Type: Image, List


Kernel Selection

Shape of the structuring element.

Values: Annulus, Ball, Box, Cross

Kernel Radius [px] 3D Vector

Set the kernel radius in voxels, specified as [i, j, k].

Safe Border Boolean

Add a safe border to input image to avoid border effects and remove it once the operation is done.

See also

