June 4, 2021
New Features
AI Features
It is now possible to load and apply a pre-trained neural network in any workflow. We currently support .onnx and .pb formats for the frozen, stand-alone networks.
Multidimensional diffusion analysis using dVIEWR
The dVIEWR license contains an extensive collection of functionality for analysing multidimensional diffusion images using the QTI and Full-DTD models that has been added in collaboration with Random Walk Imaging.
Visualizer Features
- Added visualization node.
- Added support for simple ROI statistics in the visualizer.
- Adding a ROI to a locked viewport will visualize that ROI in other locked viewports.
- Vector images are now visualized as RGB in the visualizer.
- It's now possible to drag images from databases and viewport items to the viewport directly.
- Added colormap settings editor.
DICOM RT Structure Features
- Added node struct apply transform.
- Added image iso to struct node.
- Added structure merge node.
- Added structure decimation node to reduce the number of points in a structure.
- Added simple count variable $i to struct renamer.
Database Features
- Added support for MHD images in the database.
- Added support for NIfTI in MICE databases.
- Added NIfTI import control.
- Added support for importing images to MICE databases from workflows.
- Added support for tagging in MICE and MIQA databases.
- Datasets can now be linked in the database from workflows.
Registration Features
- Added default pixel value to transformix processor.
- Added support for multiple initial transforms in transformix parameters.
- Added support for frame by frame elastix registrations.
- Added default pixel value to pre-defined registrations.
Plot and Data Table Features
- Added node for Creating Expressions on columns of data tables.
- Added node to create a plot (Data to Curve) from the columns of data tables.
Miscelaneous new nodes and functionality
- Added nodes CTD1, CTD2, CTD3.
- Added node String Concatenate.
- Added multiple quick processes.
- Added slicewise metdata.
- Added quick processes that can be used in the visualizer.
- Added application layouts.
- Added node to extract metadata string.
- Added node to extract image name.
- Added DTI Forward Model node.
- Add a repeater quickly by pressing ALT+Left Click on a connection.
- Added frame-wise and slice-wise settings to the Descriptive Statistics node.
- Added node to assert Boolean, Double, String and Image data.
- Added 4D support for multiple nodes.
- Added quartile statistics for ROI.
- Added support for mirror and wrap padding in the padding node.
- Added Fast Marching node.
Visualizer Changes
- Removed image sets from visualizer.
- Layer order inversed in visualizer.
- Histogram of RGB images now show the histogram of all three channels.
DICOM RT Structure Changes
- Removed Struct Selector
- Removed Struct Renderer
- All struct related nodes now operate on collections of structs, no single struct is allowed.
- Improved RT-Struct export.
Database Changes
- Patient images are now grouped by study in the database control.
Registration Changes
- Transformix and Elastix transformations can now handle initial transforms.
- Inverting an Elastix transform can now handle initial transforms.
- Elastix node now handles multiple moving images faster.
General Changes
- Images now use a new metadata structure.
- Updated the About form.
- Deprecated Patch Based Denoising node, and replaced it with Bilateral Denoising.
- PCA node now works in all dimensions.
- All reshape nodes now support multiple image types (Masks, Complex, Float).
- In the Chan Vese segmentation node, “Image” was changed to "Initial Guess" while “Initial Guess” was renamed to "Initial Level Set".
- Fixed viewport shortcuts XYZR.
- Fixed group filenames with non filesystem friendly chars.
- Fixed colormap update bug.
- Fixed license update bug.
- Fixed reading of huge MHD files.
- Fixed json to metadata DateTime bug.
- Fixed resampling of non orthogonal image space.
- Mesh Generation of structures.
- Improved NaN handling in statistics and visualizer.
- Fixed metadata generation bugs.
- Better support for reading Philips diffusion series.
- Added a small delay between batch jobs.
- Better support for 4D images in multiple nodes.
- Fixed Rician noise generation.
- Fixed the histogram plots when using logarithmic scale.
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