
Class: NodeTextureLBP

Node Icon

Calculates the 8 bit local binary patterns (LBP) texture measure using the closest 8 neighbors to each pixel.



An image.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single


A mask with the same size as the image, which defines the region where the local binary pattern is calculated.

Type: Image4DBool, Optional, Single


LBP Image

The LBP image.

Type: Image4DFloat


Orientation Selection

The orientation of the planes on which the LBP are created. X,Y,Z are the first, second and third dimensions of the image matrix volume, and not the physical coordinate directions.

Values: XY, XZ, YZ

Rotation Invariant Boolean

Makes the LBP rotation invariant, by shifting each pattern in steps of one, a full rotation around the ceter voxel. This reduces the number of unique patterns from 256 to 36.

Method Selection

“Less is more” sets a bit in the resulting number to 1 if the value of the current neighbour is larger than the voxel value. "More is more" sets a bit in the resulting number to 1 if the value of the current neighbour is smaller than the voxel value.

Values: LessIsMore, MoreIsMore


1. Ojala, T., Pietikainen, M. & Harwood, D. Performance evaluation of texture measures with classification based on Kullback discrimination of distributions. Pattern Recognition, 1994. Vol. 1 - Conf. A Comput. Vis. amp; Image Process. Proc. 12th IAPR Int. Conf. 1, 582–585 vol.1 (1994).

See also
