
Class: NodeMaskDilate

Node Icon

Dilate a mask using binary morphology. Morphological dilation expands the boundary of a region of foreground pixels, i.e. pixels with value True, using a kernel. The resuling region is obtained by letting the kernel center trace the boundary of the region, and the resulting region includes all voxels that can be reached by the kernel.

Erode example

Fig. 1. The original mask (in gray) is dilated using a “cross” kernel, resulting in the white mask.



A binary mask.

Type: Image4DBool, Required, Single



A binary mask with the same spatial properties as the input mask.

Type: Image4DBool


Kernel Selection

The shape of the structuring element.

Values: Annulus, Ball, Box, Cross

Radius X Integer

The radius of the kernel in the X direction, specified in voxels.

Radius Y Integer

The radius of the kernel in the Y direction, specified in voxels.

Radius Z Integer

The radius of the kernel in the Z direction, specified in voxels.


See also
