Export DB
Class: NodeExportDB
Save an image to a selected database. Internally, the image will be saved using the mhd file format with associated metadata. Due to current 32 bit limitations, the maximum size for one image in the database is 4 GB. This limitation can be circumvented in 4D images by splitting the data into multiple images with a specific number of frames, which can be set in the node settings.
Image to save to database. The input type can be changed in the settings from Image4DFload to any image format supported in MICE Toolkit, i.e binary mask, vector field or complex image.
Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single
Optionally, link the image to another image allready in the database.
Type: Image4DFloat, Optional, Multiple
Database Text
The name of the target database. Make sure that you have write permission to the selected database.
Image Type Selection
The input image type.
Values: Mask, Image, Complex, Vector
Linked Image Type Selection
The linked image type.
Values: Mask, Image, Complex, Vector
Override Study Boolean
If TRUE the metadata for the exported files will be set to the fields in this category. The patient metadata from the input images will not be used if this is TRUE.
Study Description Text
Set new Study description.
Study ID Text
Set new Study ID.
Study Instance UID Text
Set new Study Instance UID.
Split Image
Split Image by Frames Boolean
Split one 4D image into multiple 4D images with a specific number of frames per image. This option can be used to save datasets larger than 4GB in the database.
Block Size (frames) Integer
Number of frames per 4D image
Block Naming Text
How to name the images in the database. Four variable placeholder can be used:
$n: image name
$c: block number
$sf: start frame
$ef: end frame
Default string: $n Block $c Frames $sf-$ef
Block Count Offset Integer
Set offset for the block counter ($c). By default, the offset is 0 and the counter starts at 1.
Frame Count Offset Integer
Set offset for the frame counter. By default, the offset is 0 and the counter starts at 1.
See also
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