Extract Slices
Class: NodeExtractSlices
Extracts slices from an image to create an image with fewer slices.
Example Workflows
An image with at least two slices.
Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single
An image with a subset of slices from the input image.
Type: Image4DFloat
Image Type Selection
The type of image to extract slices from.
Values: Mask, Image, Complex
Extract Slices
Orientation Selection
Specifies the orientation of slices. E.g. if slice orientation is XY, slice extraction will be in the z-direction.
Values: XY, XZ, YZ
End Slice Integer
Selects the last slice to be included in the output. If the start slice is larger than the end slice the end slice will be used as start slice. If its larger than the size of stack it will be set to the final slice of the input stack.
Start Slice Integer
Selects the first slice to be included in the output. If the start slice is larger than the end slice the end slice will be used as start slice. If its larger than the size of stack it will be set to the final slice of the input stack.
See also
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