Class: NodeAdaptiveHistogramEqualization

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Histogram equalization modifies the contrast in an image. By modifying parameters (alpha, beta, and radius), the filter can produce an adaptively equalized histogram or a version of unsharp mask (local mean subtraction). Instead of applying a strict histogram equalization in a window about a pixel, this filter prescribes a mapping function (power law) controlled by the parameters alpha and beta.



Input image.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single



Resulting image.

Type: Image4DFloat


Adaptive Histogram Equalization

Alpha Number

Controls how much the filter acts like the classical histogram equalization method (alpha=0) to how much the filter acts like an unsharp mask (alpha=1).

Beta Number

Controls how much the filter acts like an unsharp mask (beta=0) to much the filter acts like pass through (beta=1, with alpha=1).


Radius X Integer

Size of the region over which local statistics are calculated in the X direction, specified in voxels.

Radius Y Integer

Size of the region over which local statistics are calculated in the Y direction, specified in voxels.

Radius Z Integer

Size of the region over which local statistics are calculated in the Z direction, specified in voxels.
