Shape Statistics
Class: NodeMaskShapeStatistics
Computes shape properties of a binary mask. The following properties are calculated:
Property | Description |
Elongation | The ratio of the largest principal moment to the smallest principal moment. Its value is greater or equal to 1. |
Equivalent Ellipsoid Diameter | The diameters of the ellipsoid with the same size and ratio of all the axes as the object. The value depends on the image spacing. |
Equivalent Spherical Perimeter | The equivalent perimeter of a hypersphere with the same volume as the object. The value depends on the image spacing. |
Equivalent Spherical Radius | The radius of a sphere with the same volume as the region. |
Feret Diameter | The diameter of the sphere that inclues the region. |
Flatness | |
Number of Pixels | Number of pixels in the region |
Number of Pixels on Border | Number of pixels adjacent to a pixel with value FALSE. |
Perimeter | |
Perimeter on Border | |
Perimeter on Border Ratio | |
Physical Size | The volume of the region in physical units |
Principal Axes | The principal axes of the region |
Principal Moments | The principal moments of the region |
Roundness | The roundness of the object |
Example Workflows
One or more binary masks.
Type: Image4DBool, Required, Multiple
A Data Table with the shape properties of each binary mask.
Type: DataCollection
See also
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