Shape Statistics

Class: NodeMaskShapeStatistics

Node Icon

Computes shape properties of a binary mask. The following properties are calculated:

Property Description
Elongation The ratio of the largest principal moment to the smallest principal moment. Its value is greater or equal to 1.
Equivalent Ellipsoid Diameter The diameters of the ellipsoid with the same size and ratio of all the axes as the object. The value depends on the image spacing.
Equivalent Spherical Perimeter The equivalent perimeter of a hypersphere with the same volume as the object. The value depends on the image spacing.
Equivalent Spherical Radius The radius of a sphere with the same volume as the region.
Feret Diameter The diameter of the sphere that inclues the region.
Number of Pixels Number of pixels in the region
Number of Pixels on Border Number of pixels adjacent to a pixel with value FALSE.
Perimeter on Border
Perimeter on Border Ratio
Physical Size The volume of the region in physical units
Principal Axes The principal axes of the region
Principal Moments The principal moments of the region
Roundness The roundness of the object

Example Workflows



One or more binary masks.

Type: Image4DBool, Required, Multiple



A Data Table with the shape properties of each binary mask.

Type: DataCollection


See also
