B0 Distortion

Class: NodeB0Distortion

Node Icon

Produces the distortions created by B0 inhomogeneities. The input values are the image matrix together with the \(\Delta B_0\) map and patient mask.



The input image which is to be distorted.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single


The \(\Delta B_0\) map.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single


A mask which is TRUE within the patient and FALSE elsewhere.

Type: Image4DBool, Required, Single


Distorted Image

The distorted image.

Type: Image4DFloat

Distortion Field

The distortion field in mm.

Type: Image4DVector3

Distortion Field Shifted

The distortion field in mm with the bulk avarege distortion removed.

Type: Image4DVector3


Positive Shift X Boolean

Sets the direction of the x-gradient in relation to the image matrix

Positive Shift Y Boolean

Sets the direction of the y-gradient in relation to the image matrix

Positive Shift Z Boolean

Sets the direction of the z-gradient in relation to the image matrix

Bandwidth X (Hz/Voxel) Number

The applied bandwidth (frequency encoding) in the X-direction given in Hz/Voxel

Bandwidth Y (Hz/Voxel) Number

The applied bandwidth (frequency encoding) in the Y-direction given in Hz/Voxel

Bandwidth Z (Hz/Voxel) Number

The applied bandwidth (read out) in the Z-direction given in Hz/Voxel

Gyromagnetic Ratio (Hz/T) Number

The gyromagnetic ratio to use. Typically this is the default value of 42.57e+6 Hz/T


  1. J A Lundman, M Bylund, A Garpebring, C Thellenberg Karlsson, T Nyholm. Patient-induced susceptibility effects simulation in magnetic resonance imaging. Physics and Imaging in Radiation Oncology. (2017) DOI: 10.1016/j.phro.2017.02.004
  2. “The Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit” www.itk.org

See also
