
Class: NodeImageTranslate

Node Icon

Translate the input image by either a specified distance or to a position relative to a reference image. This will not affect the pixel data of the image.

Example Workflows

Transformation examples


Image 1

An image.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single


Out 1

The same image with a new position.

Type: Image4DFloat



Number of Images Integer

Specifies the number of input images to change position on.

Use Reference Image Boolean

If set the image will be translated to a position relative to a reference image

Reference Translate Type Selection

“Origin To Origin” will move the input image origin (top left voxel) to the origin of the reference image. "Center To Center" will move the input image center to the center of the reference image.

Values: OriginToOrigin, CenterToCenter

Manual Translation

Translate X (mm) Number

Size of translation in the x-direction.

Translate Y (mm) Number

Size of translation in the y-direction.

Translate Z (mm) Number

Size of translation in the z-direction.

See also
