Class: NodeImagePad
Increase the matrix size of the input image be a specified amount.
Example Workflows
The input image.
Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single
The padded image.
Type: Image4DFloat
Image Type Selection
The type of image to pad.
Values: Mask, Image, Complex
Padding Type Selection
The type of padding to use. Wrap and Mirror increases the image size by padding with replicants of the input image value. Wrap by repeating the opposide side of the image, and Mirror by repeating the same side of the image.
Values: Constant, Mirror, Wrap
Pad Value Number
If constant: the pixel value assigned to the padding.
X Lower Integer
Number of voxels that will be added before current lower bound in x-direction.
Y Lower Integer
Number of voxels that will be added before current lower bound in y-direction.
Z Lower Integer
Number of voxels that will be added before current lower bound in z-direction.
X Upper Integer
Number of voxels that will be added after current upper bound in x-direction.
Y Upper Integer
Number of voxels that will be added after current upper bound in y-direction.
Z Upper Integer
Number of voxels that will be added after current upper bound in z-direction.
See also
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