Voxel Size

Class: NodeImageVoxelSize

Node Icon

Change the voxel size of the input image in the metadata of the image object, either to a manually defined voxel size or to the voxel size of a reference image. This will not affect the pixel data of the image.

Example Workflows

Transformation examples


Image 1

An image.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Single


Out 1

The same image with a new voxel size.

Type: Image4DFloat



Number of Images Integer

Specifies the number of input images to change voxel size on.

Use Reference Image Boolean

Adds an input for a reference image. The voxel size of the reference image will be copied to all input images.

Voxel Size

Voxel Size X Number

Defines the physical voxel size in the x-direction.

Voxel Size Y Number

Defines the physical voxel size in the y-direction.

Voxel Size Z Number

Defines the physical voxel size in the z-direction.

See also
