Class: NodeExportNIfTI
Convert and export all connected images to NIfTI files. The NIfTI file format is much simpler than the DICOM format. Images are stored in one single file, and are not constrained to integer values. The default support for metadata is limited, and constrained to image properties such as position, orientation and resolution.
Note: No DICOM metadata will be written to the file.
Example Workflows
One or more images.
Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Multiple
Image Prefix Text
Sets the image prefix, this string will be added to beginning of the image name.
Compress Image Boolean
Copresses the output image without loss of data. Turn this off for faster exports.
Export Metadata Boolean
If set a JSON file containing image metadata will be exported as well.
Path Text
Sets the output directory of the node.
Note: This parameter will be overridden if you use this node for batch calculations.
See also
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