
Class: NodeTextureAnalyzeGLCM

Node Icon

Calculate Haralick Texture Features from a Gray level co-occurrence matrix (GLCM).


GLCM Inputs

One or more GLCMs.

Type: Image4DFloat, Required, Multiple



A data Table containing the resulting texture values.

Type: DataCollection



Dataset Name Text

The name or title of the data set.

Gray Level Invariant Features Boolean

Select if the resulting Haralick texture feature values should be invariant to the number of gray levels in the image. This is described in reference 4.


Contrast Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Inverse Difference Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Energy Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Entropy Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Maximum Probability Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Correlation Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Sum of Squares: Variance Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Homogeneity Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Dissimilarity Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Sum Average Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Sum Variance Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Sum Entropy Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Difference Variance Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Difference Entropy Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Information Measure of Correlation 1 Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Information Measure of Correlation 2 Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Autoorrelation Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Cluster Shade Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Cluster Prominence Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.

Difference Average Boolean

If TRUE, this feature is calculated and presented in the resulting Data Table.


  1. Haralick, R. M., Shanmugam, K. & Dinstein, I. Textural Features for Image Classification. IEEE Trans. Syst. Man. Cybern. 3, 610–621 (1973).
  2. Soh, L., Tsatsoulis, C. & Member, S. Texture Analysis of SAR Sea Ice Imagery Using Gray Level Co-Occurence Matrices. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. 37, 780–795 (1999).
  3. Clausi, D. a. An analysis of co-occurrence texture statistics as a function of grey level quantization. Can. J. Remote Sens. 28, 45–62 (2002).
  4. Löfstedt, T., Brynolfsson, P., Asklund, T., Nyholm, T., & Garpebring, A. Gray-level invariant Haralick texture features. PLOS ONE, 14(2) (2019).

Keywords: Haralick, texture